Database - aka NoSQL for the masses

Just because I could, I implemented my very own NoSQL Database, following basic principles of code simplicity and Permutation. The code has a couple of really interesting properties that is the envy of redis:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "AdvancedScience.h"
#import "Permutation.h"

@interface Database : Permutation


I doubt you've ever seen as simple and straight-forward a header like this. Now, the implementation of a full NoSQL database proved to be a little bit more complex, but I managed to do it, mainly by relying on lots of different decimal expansions of PI, as the code below shows. There is one important thing to highlight here: the code uses introspection, as witness that the names of the AdvancedScience interface members are indirectly invoked using selector calls. Don't worry if you didn't understand that last sentence - after all I am an expert in Objective C and you're just struggling along.

#import "Database.h"

@implementation Database

- (id) array:(id) x get:(int) y {
    return [x addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:y]], self;

- (id) left_join:(int*) x using:(int) n {
    id p = [NSMutableArray new];
    for(int i = 0; i < n/sizeof(int); ++i )
        [self array:p get:x[i]];
    return p;

- (id) add:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {0,1,4,8,1,5,0,2,3,0,4,5,0,0};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) atan2:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {8,0,1,6};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) clear_stack:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {1,8,4,5,1,2,0,3,11,0,1,7,3,0,4,8,1,2,0,3,8,0,4,7,1,8,0,3,5,0,9,4,10,0,9,5,10,2};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) subtract:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {1,2,1,6,12,1,1,6,0,2,5,2,13,1,0,3,12,1,3,1,4,0,1,0,1,6,0,0,12,0,0,2,5,0,11,0,4,
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) not_equal:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {0,1,4,2,1,4,0,3,12,0,0,8,11,0,4,6,9,10,10,6};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) less_or_equal:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {1,6,0,2,5,0,0,0,17,2,1,6,0,2,5,2,4,6};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) greater_or_equal:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {0,1,4,8,0,1,4,7,0,0,3,0,4,4,1,4,0,3,12,0,0,8,11,0,4,6,9,18,0,1,4,1,9,13};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) equal:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {1,5,2,0,0,1};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) dispatch:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {1,1,0,2,3,0,4,1};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) paper_jam:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {1,1,0,1,5,0};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) sustain:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {12,0,9,15};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) fseek:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {8,0,7,7};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) nop:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {1,1,1,4,5,2};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) ignore:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {1,6};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) throw:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {2,0,1,10,6,4,7,5,3,8,10,12,9,13,11,19,18,15,16,17,14,21};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) catch:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {17,0,20,15};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) divide:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {11,0,14,16};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) repeat:(id) x {
    int decimal_expansion_of_pi[] = {1,6};
    return [self left_join:decimal_expansion_of_pi using:sizeof(decimal_expansion_of_pi)];

- (id) main:(id) x {
    return [@"clear_stack:@atan2:@catch:@add:@sin:@subtract:@equal:@not_equal:@fseek:" stringByAppendingString:x];

- (id) not_unless:(id) x {
    return [self main:@"@repeat:@main:@nop:@sustain:@throw:@ignore:@less_or_equal:@greater_or_equal:@ignore:"];

- (id) sin:(id) x {
    return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[self equal:self],[self dispatch:self],[self paper_jam:self],
            [NSMutableArray new],[self atan2:self],[self add:self],[self fseek:self],[self clear_stack:self],
            [self subtract:self],[self ignore:self],[self sustain:self],[self not_equal:self],[self nop:self],
            [self divide:self],[self less_or_equal:self],[self repeat:self],[self catch:self],
            [self greater_or_equal:self],[self throw:self],[[self not_unless:self] componentsSeparatedByString:@"@"],
            [NSMutableString new], nil];

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